Key Races to Watch in Oregon

October 13, 2022 - Election day in Oregon is less than 30 days away. All the races in our state are important but there are three key races that have the potential to make a huge impact on the boating community.

OFFB Pick: Rep. Mark Meek

In Senate District 20 (parts of Clackamas and Marion County), Rep. Mark Meek is running against incumbent Sen. Bill Kennemer. Rep. Meek has consistently defended boaters in Oregon. He voted against the Newberg Pool Bill and was a vocal and instrumental opponent of the recent proposed narrative standard.

Sen. Kennemer chief sponsored legislation restricting towed water sports activities. 


Here’s Rep. Meek’s message to Oregon boaters:

“I will be a strong voice and advocate for the rights of Oregon boaters in the State Senate. Unfortunately, those rights are now under serious threat. As a State Representative I have been fighting against new restrictions on boaters that are being pushed by legislators from both political parties. Now it's more important than ever that we push back and stand up for the rights of all Oregonians to responsibly recreate in our beautiful outdoor public spaces.

All Oregonians deserve the ability to enjoy our waterways safely and responsibly. If elected to the State Senate, I will continue this fight - and I will lead the effort to restore the rights of Oregon boaters that have been lost.”

OFFB Pick: Jason Fields

In House District 26 (includes portions of Clackamas and Washington counties), incumbent Rep. Courtney Neron seeks re-election against challenger Jason Fields. Fields is an ally of the boating community and understands the value boaters provide to Oregon.

Rep. Neron was an enthusiastic supporter of SB 1589, which restricted use of public waterways. 


Here’s Jason Fields’ message to Oregon boaters:


“Oregon waterways should be enjoyed by all. We should do our part to preserve this beautiful state and maintain its beauty. There are places on our rivers that all water enthusiasts should be able to enjoy. If elected to serve as our next HD 26 legislator, I'm committed to working to ensure that all voices are heard. I will use a critical eye when evaluating laws that put limitations on river use for Oregonians.”

OFFB Pick: Rep. Raquel Moore Green

Deb Patterson and Rep. Raquel Moore Green are locked in a race to represent a large chunk of Salem in Senate District 10. Patterson was a chief sponsor of SB 1589, harmful legislation to the boating community.  

If you are in these districts, we urge you to vote for Rep. Mark Meek, Rep. Raquel Moore-Green and Jason Fields. Not sure which district you’re in? Check out our voting history map here.


If you are in these districts, we urge you to BE A BOATER VOTER and vote for Rep. Mark Meek, Rep. Raquel Moore-Green and Jason Fields.

Not sure which district you’re in? Find it here

Wondering if legislators up for re-election in your district have voted against the boating community? Check out our voter history guide here.

Looking for boater voter recommendations in other districts? Check out the full Oregon Families for Boating Voting Guide here


Newberg Pool Voting Record
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